“Sahaja Agricultural Project: A boon to Indian Agriculture”
Presented by Sahaja Yoga Collectivity, India
(National Trust, New Delhi)
Visit site – https://sahajkrishi.org/english – For English and https://sahajkrishi.org – For Hindi
Since the advent of modern agriculture a number of attempts have so far been made by researchers in India and abroad to improve agricultural production techniques through improved seeds, varieties, cultivation techniques, irrigation systems, improved farm tools, implements and so on. A thought shared at the National seminar on Sahaja agriculture has been enclosed here for perusal (Annexure I). This has been done mainly with a view to increase agricultural production at farmers individual level thereby an increased output at national level. In the recent years a “Food Security Act” has been enacted by Indian Parliament to ensure enough food grain supply to a majority of Indian population. On this background the need to increase agricultural production with minimum losses to land, natural resources and with minimum cost input is obvious.
research-summary-sahaj-krishiSahaja Agriculture Project:
Genesis: Fortunately there is a way out to achieve all the above objectives through Sahaja agriculture production project. Many of us might be knowing that H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation technique has given this unique gift to human beings for emancipation.
During one of her visits to Mahatma Phile Krishi Vidyapeeth ,Rahuri, (Maharashtra) during 1982-83, she suggested that since Sahaja Yoga could transform the human beings from within and without to the positive end results it being a natural living process should also affect similarly (positively) on agricultural crops, plants, animals etc.

Taking her divine advice into consideration a number of agricultural scientist involved in Sahaja yoga meditation at Rahuri as well as common farmers around Rahuri and certain parts of Maharashtra state took up individual trials (experiments) on Sahaja agricultural production techniques. They found quite promising, encouraging results out of these trials.
A committee called Sahaja agricultural committee in Maharashtra formed in the year 2010 took up all the review of several such experiments conducted in different parts of Maharashtra, India and abroad and noticed that the trials have been conducted and reported by a number of Sahaja Yogi farmers, scientist orally without documented observations, data, photos etc (with certain exceptions). The committee therefore thought that these trials should be converted into systematically planned scientific experiments on fields of a number of farmers.
Accordingly a plan of action was laid out, necessary observation sheets, schedule of conducting experiments, guidance of farmers, monitoring the experiments, collection of data etc was finalized and the large scale experiments using Sahaja Yoga technique were started wef June 2011 (Kharif) throughout Maharashtra. The data of 66 farmers who reported their observations from time to time were compiled , tabulated and the differences noticed. These experiments and the project was therefore named Sahaja Agriculture Project.
A document prepared from this is presented (Annexure II). Some photographs snapped on the standing/harvested crops or crop products have also been presented here (Annexure III)
Technology involved
A divine cosmic energy force (called vibrations, all pervading energy source of the universe) that is emitted from the source of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Herself or through Her photograph is the basic and the ultimate thing that is brought in use in these experiments.
The seeds, sets, planting material, water, manures etc used in the agricultural production are charged by the vibrations for certain time period. Thereafter, the same when used in the field give rise not only to the improved germination but also to the end products (crop, fruits, cotton fibre etc) which are quantitatively as well as qualitatively superior to the lot which is not changed by the vibrations. This is the simplest technique in these experiments.
National Seminar on Sahaja Agriculture, Jaipur
When the results of the experiments conducted in Maharashtra during Kharif 2011 as well as experiments conducted in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh certain foreign countries like Austria were shown to the large Sahaja Yoga gathering assembled at Jaipur in October 2011, an intense interest rose among a large number of farmers/scientists Therefore, an unanimous decision was taken to organize a national seminar on this subject. As a result on 12th Feb 2012,the National seminar on Sahaja Agriculture was organized at Jaipur (Rajasthan). Almost 300 participants interested in this project representing 12 states in India had gathered. A good deal of deliberations took place, experiences exchanged and it was decided that the scientifically planned experiments in Maharashtra (2011) be replicated all over India through the network of Sahaja Yoga centres spread over all the states in India.
Programme 2012:
According to the decision in the National Seminar on Sahaja Agriculture 2012, it has now been decided to implement the Sahaja Agriculture Project in all the states in India wef Kharif season 2012 i.e. June 2012 onwards. A plan of action has already been prepared and the necessary guidelines for conducting these experiments have already been circulated to all the states through the National Trust so that the preparation will be made before hand. It has been decided that at least 100 farmers in each state will take up these experiments systematically. They will be guided from time to time by the Sahaja Yogis connected with the field of agriculture. In order to monitor all these ambitious programmes a National Agriculture Team has been formed by the National Trust. The team members have been allotted different zones (states) for overall guidance and monitoring the project. The team consists of the following members.
National Sahaja Agriculture Project Team:
Sr no | Name | Qualification | Status | Regional states allotted |
1 | Mr Srichand Chaudhary | Businessman & Agriculturist ( National Trustee) | Chairman | Overall control |
2 | Dr M.B. Kulkarni | M.Sc (Agri)Ph.D Ex- Head Dept of Animal Sci & Dairy Sci, MPKV, Rahuri (MS) | Member | Maharashtra, Goa, Gujrath |
3 | Prof G.D.Pareek | M.Sc (Agri),Jt Director,Agril Dept, Jaipur, Rajasthan | Member | Rajasthan, MP, Gujrath |
4 | Dr M.R. Deshmukh | M.Sc (Agri) Ph.D Asstt Prof, Horticulture Agriculture College, Pune (M.S) | Member | M.P U.P. Rajasthan |
5 | Dr Avdesh Chandra | Head Dept Agril Engg RAU, Bikaner | Member | Rajasthan, H.P Punjab |
6 | Mr T.S.Baba | Master in Law, An Agriculturist | Member | A.P ,T.N , Kerala,Orissa |
7 | Dr N.Sarangi | Ex Director, CIFA, Bhubaneshwar | Member | Orissa, W.B A.P |
8 | Mr Jagpal Singh | Experienced progressive farmer, Uttaranchal | Member | Uttaranchal, U.P H.P |
Job/ personal profile of the National Sahaja Agril Committee members is enclosed (Annexure IV)
The experimental data collected from the farmers along with photographs from different states will be compiled by the committee and properly tabulated and documented for presentation after the Kharif 2012 crops are harvested. Such experimental trials will be continued for next three years to test validity of results.
Projected trials
The Sahaja Agricultural trials will be conducted not only on production oriented research but shall also be covering the areas/ challenges that the Indian agriculture is facing in recent years. Some of the areas are mentioned below.
- Influence of vibratory techniques on sustainability of crops under fluctuating environmental/climatic conditions
- Quality improvement in crops, fruits, flowers|}ewq etc due to vibratory techniques.
- Solving problems of mass suicides of farmers in M.S. particularly in suicide prone areas (Yeotmal, Amaravati districts of Maharashtra) through vibratory awareness and related techniques of Sahaja meditation.

Projections of Sahaja Agriculture Project:
As observed so far and from the trials conducted it is hoped that “zero cash input” technology will certainly help common farmers in India increase their agricultural production to a considerable extent.
The technique of unique nature, freely available and applicable by any type of farmer without any difficulty shall give rise to increased farm production without any investment either at farmers level or even at Government level.
Along the increased production and higher economic gains the farmers shall also get an additional benefit of spiritual development that will lead to the formation of more balanced individuals in the human society. Thus eliminating a number of social evils that are shattering the existence of the present day human race on this earth.
Let us hope ,those who really wish to bring about an overall positive change in human population in India will definitely think over the above project proposal.
Visit – http://www.sahajkrishi.com/