The Effect of Vibrated Water on the Growth of Plants
Dr. Hamid MYLANY. Vienna/Austria. 1986
The first study was made to test the effect of vibrated water on different sorts of plants and it started on May 27th. 1986. The experiment was conducted on a 300 sqm peace of land with the foundations of a building nearby. This small farm is situated about 15 km east of Vienna/ Austria.
We were able to use the electricity supply from this building to construct an automatic watering system.
1. Climate
The weather data were provided by the weather observation station in Enzesfeld, the local townnearby. It was a rainy summer with an average rainfall of 54 mm during the test period. The average temperature during the test period was 24:5 Centigrade and there was a quite’ strong north-west wind blowing in this area which dries the soil very rapidly.
2. Preparation of the soil.
The soil type was brown earth i.e. sandy, with clay and loam. Because the test area was set up late in the year. it was heavily overgrown with annual and perennial weeds. Therefore the field was sprayed with Gesparim on May. 25th. 1986. For this experiment the soil was not analyzed in more detail because it was not relevant or helpful. As we began late it was not possible toapply any sort of fertilization.
3. Pattern of the experiment
As the pattern shows (see fig. I), the test area was divided into four strips. each 4m x 20m =80 sqm in size. Each strip was subdivided into four plots. each 4 x 5m = 20 sqm (see fig. I). We selected sunflowers and corn, next to other typical plants of this area (fig. 2) 10 be used for this experiment.
4. Irrigation
The Drip Irrigation-system of the company Salen in Vienna was chosen. As it can be seen from fig.1, normal. drinking water was brought from the building to the field 3 half-inch hoses were connected.
In order to cut out the possibility of human error, the irrigation equipment was working fully automatic with the help of I seven-day-timer, two 24 hour timers and three magnetic valves. Seven days after setting up the test area, on June 4th 1986. the irrigation was put to operation. The test area (vibrated and unvibmted strip) was irrigated for 11/2 hours from to 2.30 am every night. After 30 days the irrigation was reduced to once a week, again for 1 1/2 hours. On Oct. 26th, 1986 the irrigation was suspended. The water was vibrated at the point which is marked in fig. I.
5. Results
As shown in the attached graphics. demonstrating different stages of development. the vibrated plants were greener. More vital and showed significant lead in their growth over the non-vibrated plants. The vibrated water not only activates the growth of the plants. it also enlarges and improves the sprouting-potential of the seeds. For example the sprouting ratio of sunflowers rates normally between 75 and 80%. Through the use of vibrated water the ratio was increased to 95 – 100%.
Because of the high germination ratio and the strong growth of the plants in the vibrated part of the test area you can well imagine that this caused a severe competition for space, water and light. Such strong competition normally inhibits the growth of plants, but despite the mentioned density in the vibrated area, its harvest was 20-25% better than the control plots.
6. Discussion
As we all know, there is a tendency for scientists at present time to investigate smaller and smaller areas of flora and fauna very precisely. As a result of these studies there have been written many books on the same matter, but the wider understanding of the interdependence of all living things got lost. Most of our scientific experiments only enlarge the gap between science and nature. Because of this scientists are constantly confronted with new and insolvable problems, such as the slow death of the fields and forests on a large part of our planet.
Prof. Dr. Felix KREISSLER from the university of Hannover/Germany and Prof. Kurt ZUCKRIEGEL from the University of Agriculture in Vienna/Austria, have reported on the contamination of barely-fields between Hannover and Vienna. Every year the farmers have to use tons and tons of manure to fertilize the farms, in order to keep the increase of the harvest at about 5%. The most successful increase in Vienna is about 5-7%.
A large number of scientists are reporting in alarming statements about the dying forests in Europe. USA and Canada. Most of the scientists have given up further research in this matter, because they cannot understand it. We have difficulty to understand a living process. A great portion of our knowledge is based on dead matter. We are able to produce daily thousands of cars, but no one can create on small living cell;
We all know how the ozone-layer in the atmosphere is dissolving and what danger that is to humanity, but our politicians are busy with themselves and have no time for all of us.
We scientists should not be egotistical about our technical achievements – what we praise as a great success today can turn into a great danger for humanity tomorrow – see our arsenals of atomic bombs, chemical weapons and so on.
In contrast the philosophy of SAHAJA YOGA offers a cheap, simple and easy solution for all these problems. The teachings of SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI make it possible not only to understand the living process and deal with them but also to solve many problems of the developing countires.
VIBRATIONS are a living thing as Shri Majaji Nirmala Devi explains, “they think and act”. The action of vibrations can be compared to the action of a magnetic field on iron. Just as iron atoms react to a magnetic field, in the same way earth. Water, flora and fauna- including human beings – react to the vibrations that flow from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It has been scientifically proved and accepted that this vibrations radiate from Shri Majaji Nirmala Devi herself as well as from her photograph.
As you know the connecting angle of the water molecule is 105 degrees and 28 minutes between the Oxygen and the Hydrgen. This angle is very stable and does not change under the influence of physical experiments of pressure, temperature and the like. The capacity of this angle is to dissolve various chemicals in the water. As vibrations are a living thing, our understanding is that through the action of vibrations on water-molecules this connecting angle gets changed to improve the dissolving capacity of water, positively and negatively for chemical substances.
Everyone that practices SAHAJA YOGA can experience that as the vibrations flow through his body the body-temperature cools down. If vibrations have the same effect on water then also water should cool down when vibrations are applied. That means that cool water as it is well known, has more capacity to dissolve an oxygen than warm water. This extra oxygen at the roots of plants enables better plant-growth.
Every atom spins at a certain speed and within a certain distance from each other. Therefore also every atom in water spins at a certain speed and within a certain distance from each other.
Our interpretation of the action of vibrations on water is that vibrations.
- Change the speed of the spin of the atoms and
- Bring the atoms nearer to each other.
That means that the connecting angle within the water-molecule remains unchanged, bu. a strong, negative field is created through the nearing of oxygen to hydrogen, which in turn gives water the capacity to dissolve (normally undissolvable) elements such as NH4 and other nitrogen containing elements. This is the reason why vibrations give to plants such a nice green color. As we know from many experiments, it is the nitrogen that gives to plants the dark-green color the more it is applied.
For the scientifically hard-minded researcher our interpretation would certainly need further verification. However for us the most important-thing is that this vibrations really exist and how they act is shown in the attached graphics. We leave the research of what actually changes in the water through vibrations to other scientists. For us it is important to research, how we can use this tremendous potential to solve many of our current problems’ not only in agriculture, but throughout the flora and fauna of our planet.
Dr. Hamid Mylany, Vienna 1986