Sahaja Yoga effective in controlling epilepsy, says Abdul Kalam
Indian Express FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17.1999
BY OUR SCIENCE Reporter Hyderabad, Dec 16:
Sahaja yoga in combination with traditional anti-epileptic drugs has been found to control epilepsy successfully, according to eminent defence scientist Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Delivering a lecture in absentia. on “Indigenous Technology: The Impact on the Health Care in the Next Millennium” at the first joint annual conference of the Indian Epilepsy Association and Indian Epilepsy Society here, Dr Kalam said. “The Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) has successfully demonstrated that application of Sahaja yoga along with the conventional anti-epileptic drugs could control epilepsy’.
Practice of yoga for six months with reduced allopathic drugs, reduced the frequency, intensity and duration of epileptic Seizures (fits). he added.
“Yogic practice led to the tranquillity of the brain as indicated by the alpha activity of EEG, reduced sympathetic activity, and stress response. Blood lactic acid level was also reduced due to better aerobic capacity” he said adding yoga with specific drugs results in amelioration of the symptoms of epilepsy. Dr. Kalam, who is the principal scientific adviser to the Central Government, however, sounded a note of caution saying long-term use of anti-epileptic drugs might lead to disturbances in cerebral functions.
So it would be better to stabilize the drug level at a minimum effective dose, he added. Experimental studies conducted by DIPAS along with the All India Medical Sciences revealed that the undernourished young children were more prone to epilepsy. Scientists should explore methods for prevention and effective treatment with the least side effects for control of epilepsy.