Maria-Eliza Nedu
MD, Plastic Surgeon Specialist
I am a Romanian Plastic Surgeon Specialist who graduated from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Târgu Mureș in 2013.
I received my self-realization through Sahaja Yoga while I was still studying medicine. Sahaja Yoga not only facilitated the completion of my medical studies but also helped me to verify all Sahaja Yoga Knowledge during my clinical stages!
Later I specialized in Plastic Surgery. During my residency, since 2019, I started my PhD studies.
I am a member of Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons and also Romanian Society for Surgery of the Hand.
As a specialist, I often combine therapy plastic surgery with Sahaja Yoga remedies and get successful results too!
Since I have been practicing Sahaja yoga for the last 10 years, I can confidently say that medicine has more meaning when you meditate and you practically apply the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga Meditation while treating your patients!