Varsha Hajgude
Plastic Surgeon
About Dr. Varsha Hajgude
I am Dr. Varsha Hajgude, Consultant Plastic Surgeon from Latur, Maharashtra, India.
I did M.B.B.S. and P.G. in general surgery. I completed my super specialization M.Ch.Plastic Surgery from Mumbai university.
During my medical education I realized limitations of medical science and I was searching what is beyond medical science, that will help to provide complete solution for healthy life, that is mental, physical, social, and spiritual well being.
With divine grace I got my self realization and introduction to Sahaja Yoga in 2003. Since then I am sincerely and regularly practicing Sahaja Yoga.
I personally experienced that Sahaja Yoga gives balance to our autonomous nervous system and we can easily correlate Sahaja Yoga with modern medicine.
In my clinical practice, I worked as consultant as well as professor in medical colleges across the India, where I practically applied this Sahaja Yoga knowledge on my patients. I experienced Sahaja Yoga is very helpful as a complimentary therapy in many diseases and improves healing power and activates the inner pharmacy.
In Maheshwara Medical College, Hyderabad, I did clinical research study during 2016- 2018, on patients suffering from stress related disorders like hypertension, diabetes, depression, and hormonal imbalances and finally came to the conclusion that Sahaja Yoga Meditation helps in prevention and cure of such diseases and it is the best complementary therapy.
I conducted self realization programs and seminars on stress management with Sahaja Yoga in many medical colleges, law colleges and schools.
In my clinical practice, I always insist my patients and my medical colleagues and students for practicing Sahaja Yoga for a completely healthy, peaceful, happy & harmonious life.