Somayeh Dadashali
Homeopathy & Child Counselor
Somayeh Dadashali
- Practicing Homeopathy & counseling in child problems & behavioral disorders, PhD in Educational Psychology
- PhD in Educational Psychology
- A Sahaja Yogi for last 13 years.
- email: somayeh.108@gmail.com
Her scientific papers on the effectiveness of Sahaja Yoga treatment that have been published in domestic articles.
The Effectiveness of Sahaja Yoga Training on the Attention, Hyperactivi-ty, Parental Stress, Academic Self-efficacy and Academic Achievements in Student with ADHD
Somayeh Dadashali, Gholam Reza Sarami, Parvin Kadivar
Journal of Exceptional Children, Volume:16 Issue: 1, 2016, P 77
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of SahajaYoga training on attention hyperactivity parental stress academic self-efficacy and academic achievements in students with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
A quasi-experimental study was conducted on 20 students ageing 8 to 11 years with ADHD and 20 parents of these students.
The participants were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. By SNAP-IV scale (form of parents) parental stress was measured by the Parenting Stress Scale (PSI) academic self-efficacy questionnaire of hashemi was used to measure academic self-efficacy beliefs and academic records was used to measure the academic achievement.
The independent t-test and U mann-whitney test were used to analyze the collected data.
Results: The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of attention deficit-hyperactivity symptoms, academic self-efficacy and most items of parental stress except acceptability sense of competence parental attachment. Also there was no significant difference in academic achievements.
According to this study¡ it seems that Sahaja Yoga exercises can be used to ameliorate ADHD symptoms to improve performance of these children and reducing parental stress.
Keywords: Attention deficit disorder, Hyperactivity, Sahaja Yoga exercises, Parental stress, Academic self, efficacy, Academic achievement
Effectiveness of Sahaja-Yoga Mindfulness Exercises on the Reduction of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Women
Somayeh Dadashali* , Samad Rahmati
Increasing pressure of stressors along with anxiety and depression reduce the human being’s ability to deal with simple issues of life.
Women who are often facing with stressful situations are more fragile and vulnerable than men.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of Sahaja-Yoga mindfulness exercises on reducing stress, anxiety and depression in women with Stress, anxiety and depression disorders.
The Research design was Pretest Post-test without control group.
The statistical population of this research included 700 women who went to Tehran’s Shahid Shirin health center.
Based on the purpose of the study, 20 women were selected by the convenience sampling method. They were trained in 12 two-hour sessions which lasted 3 months. For the pre-test, post-test and the 3-month follow-up, depression, anxiety and stress scale was used to collect data.
Analysis of variance with repeated measures and t- test were used to analyze the collected data. The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and posttest in terms of the reduction of stress, anxiety and depression .
Mindfulness , Sahaja Yoga , Depression , Anxiety , Stress
Language: Persian
Published: Journal of Research in Psychological Health, Volume:9 Issue: 3, 2015
Page: 55