Rajesh Universe
Ayurvedic Doctor
Name: Dr. Rajesh Universe
Speciality: Graduate in Ayurveda and Naturopathy
Nature: Ayurveda/Ayurvedic Medicine Physician
Sahaja Yogi since 1992
I started my journey in Ayurveda from 1990 in Haridwar, where I used to work as an intern. After completion of my degree, I moved back to my hometown, Yamunanagar and started my own clinic. In the year 1992, I met Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder of Sahaja Yoga) at Haridwar and from that day, my life took a spiritual turn. I have been practicing Sahaja Yoga from 1992 and it has changed my life. I have treated many patients with the blessings of Shri Mataji via meditation in addition to medicine and the results were tremendous.
In addition to my Medical Practice, I am an active instrument of Shri Mataji who is spreading Her message of Sahaja Yoga through music and medical science.