Brian Wells
CEO & International Liaison Psychiatrist
Dr Brian Wells FRCPsych,
CEO & International Liaison Psychiatrist at
Leading Health Care International (LHCI),
London, United Kingdom
I have been a Consultant Psychiatrist specializing in Addictive Disorders for many years now. My clients/patients are international and come from all walks of life.
My company, Leading Health Care International (LHCI) is a bespoke, discreet, ‘word of mouth’ organisation. We (I, with or without relevant team members) will go to the patient and/or family, anywhere in the world, perform an assessment and recommend/refer to the best healthcare providers in the world according to diagnosis, geographical location, financial means etc.
Having visited, worked closely and become familiar with most of the ‘quality’ addiction treatment facilities in the world, I remain ‘Independent’ so as to insure the best interests of patients/clients and their families. Occasionally there is an ongoing clinical relationship.
Specialities (Clinical):
– Individuals and families suffering the consequences of addictive disorders
– Medical and surgical referrals where appropriate
– We work WITH regular or local providers (family doctors, therapists etc.) where possible, but are available for alternative opinions and referrals
– Consultancies
– Conferences and lectures
– Publications
‘Addictions and Family Issues’ – a lecture by Dr Brian Wells: